NZAPEP - New Zealand Association of Private Education Providers

NZAPEP - New Zealand Association of Private Education Providers
NZAPEP is the New Zealand Association of Private Education Providers (NZAPEP), a national organisation representing private tertiary institutions in New Zealand.
The Association is the largest association covering all areas of tertiary education and is recognised by the Government and government agencies as the main representative of the sector .
NZAPEP is dedicated to uniting the private tertiary education (PTE) sector and representing the collective membership in a competitive and challenging political environment.
The key objectives of the  Association are:
  • to lobby on behalf of members
  • to represent the sector at Government and agency meetings
  • to provide current, accurate and timely information to both government and members
  • to run a stimulating and interesting Conference which will keep members up to date and provide relevant workshops and networking opportunities
  • to provide member education
  • to work always to increase the credibility and quality of the sector
  • to provide a regular publication with a comprehensive look at issues
The Association always seeks to work closely with the Minister, MPs and officials from the Ministry of Education (MoE), the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) and the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA).


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