Punteggio: 100%

Basato su 3 giudizi degli studenti.
"I studied at Conexiones entre Mundos for three years, progressing from having almost no spanish to a..."

I commenti che trovate qui di seguito sono stati postati da studenti che hanno studiato alla Conexiones entre Mundos

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Punteggio   100%
  Molto basso Insufficiente Sufficiente Buona Ottima  
Servizi 100%
Ubicazione 100%
Divertimento 100%
Didattica 100%

Commenti personali degli studenti sulla Conexiones entre Mundos

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3 Opinioni
I had a wonderful experience at Conexiones entre Mundos. I learned a lot of Spanish from the wonderful and diversified teachers and also greatly enjoyed taking a class all about the culture of Bolivia. I would recommend this school to anyone looking to learn Spanish and also for a South American cultural experience.

I studied at Conexiones entre Mundos for three years, progressing from having almost no spanish to an advanced level. The teaching was very professional. The one-on-one classes with different teachers enabled me to work at a personalised pace and yet be constantly pushed to the next level. Spanish was taught always within the context of Bolivian culture, which I think is a real strength of the school. Extra social activities provided opportunities to share with others in a similar situation.
Risposta dal Conexiones entre Mundos: Anita! Thank you so much for your review. It is and has been a pleasure to teach you, not only because you are an excellent student but also for your love to our people and our culture. Your search for excellence is a great encouragement and example for all of us!

I studied at Conexiones entre Mundos when I visited Cochabamba last year. I found the classes very helpful and enjoyable and the teachers were friendly and very patient as they helped me to learn Spanish. After returning to Australia I continued my classes via Skype and again found Conexiones entre Mundos teachers to be amazing in their dedication and willingness to help me. I am still enjoying my lessons each week and would highly recommend this language school to anyone anywhere.
Risposta dal Conexiones entre Mundos: Dear Beth, Thank you so much for your review. We are so glad to have you as one of our students in Conexiones. We admire your perseverance with the Skype classes, as the time difference with Australia is so great, but you are always there, ready to learn. Hugs!

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