Punteggio: 90%

Basato su 2 giudizi degli studenti.
"I studied at Paraninfo in April/May of 2013 and thoroughly enjoyed the classes. The teachers that I ..."

I commenti che trovate qui di seguito sono stati postati da studenti che hanno studiato alla Paraninfo

Le seguenti opinioni si riferiscono alle esperienze di studio in questa scuola degli studenti e non esprimono l'opinione di LanguageBookings.com

Potrebbero esserti utili per aiutarti a farti un''idea sulla qualità della scuola.

Punteggio   90%
  Molto basso Insufficiente Sufficiente Buona Ottima  
Servizi 80%
Ubicazione 100%
Divertimento 90%
Didattica 90%

Commenti personali degli studenti sulla Paraninfo

I commenti sono classificati in ordine di lingua e di data. Massimo 25 commenti per pagina

2 Opinioni
I did a 1-week intensive course at Paraninfo and really enjoyed my time there. The location is fantastic, and the school is very clean and modern. The support staff and teachers were all very friendly and helpful, and the small classes meant each student got a lot of 1-on-1 attention. I feel I learnt a lot and would love to study at Paraninfo again.
Risposta dal Paraninfo: Thank you Kimberly for your opinion. We are glad you enjoyed your classes in Paraninfo. We try to do our best to let the students enjoy studying Spanish. We will be glad to welcome you again in our school!

I studied at Paraninfo in April/May of 2013 and thoroughly enjoyed the classes. The teachers that I had were both very knowledgeable and friendly. The classes were focused on conversation with some grammar and vocabulary exercises included. Overall, I thought that they were very good value for money. I stayed in the shared student flat while I was there. While this was v. cheap (worked out to ca. E16/night), it includes 7 rooms and two baths, so felt both crowded and dirty (despite wkly cleaner)

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L'ultima prenotazione di questa scuola è stata effettuata in Francia con un risparmio di 29,50 €!