Punteggio: 97%

Basato su 2 giudizi degli studenti.
"I did the program earlier this year because I thought it would be a fun way to practice my Spanish a..."

I commenti che trovate qui di seguito sono stati postati da studenti che hanno studiato alla Experiencia Vivees - Malaga

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Punteggio   97%
  Molto basso Insufficiente Sufficiente Buona Ottima  
Servizi 100%
Ubicazione 100%
Divertimento 100%
Didattica 90%

Commenti personali degli studenti sulla Experiencia Vivees - Malaga

I commenti sono classificati in ordine di lingua e di data. Massimo 25 commenti per pagina

2 Opinioni
This was just what I was looking for! I'm a Spanish teacher in the US and needed an intensive program to brush up my speaking skills before starting the school year. It was a lot of fun and felt just like a normal vacation, only all in Spanish. I was glad that it was all-inclusive because I hate organizing trips, especially in countries where I've never been before. The hotel and the town we stayed in in Malaga were great, and the food we had during the whole trip was traditional and delicious.

I did the program earlier this year because I thought it would be a fun way to practice my Spanish and do some tourism at the same time. I had never been to Southern Spain, but I loved it. The town we stayed in, Benahavis, was beautiful and close to the sea. It was relaxing because everything was already planned out for us. Definitely a great way to spend a holiday while improving your Spanish.

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