Italiano generale + conversation 30 Lezioni settimanali
Livelli: Principiante, Elementare - livello A1, Pre-Intermediate livello A2, Intermedio - livello B1, Intermedio superiore - livello B2, Avanzato - livello C1, Professionale - livello C2
- 2 grammar group lessons/day in the morning
- 2 conversation group lessons/day in the morning - 1 group lessons/day in the afternoon, both grammar and conversation.
After lessons activities.
Starting date for non-beginners: Every Monday
Starting dates for beginners: March 15 and 29; April 12 and 26; May 10 and 24, June 7 and 21; July 5 and 19; August 2, 16 and 30; September 13 and 27; October 11.
Via Portobello 12, Sestri Levante, Italia
Non ci sono recensioni da parte degli studenti su questa scuola
Numero di classi: 4
Numero medio di studenti per classe: 4
Età minima dello studente: 16
Test di livello il primo giorno:
Distanza dall'aeroporto: 50 km.
Aeroporto più vicino: Genoa
Anno di apertura della scuola: 2015
Orari di apertura della scuola: 8:45 - 17:00
Giorni di chiusura della scuola: Mostra
• Students have to do a written and oral test to be placed accurately in a class.
• The ABC School carries out research in the field of linguistics and pedagogy according to the “Direct Teaching Method”: from the first day on, in all levels, only Italian will be spoken. You will be encouraged to practice verbal communication with your teachers so that you may learn Italian naturally, increasing your knowledge quickly and with confidence. With your teacher you will practice your spoken Italian in real
•life situations.
• QUALIFIED TEACHERS, professional, friendly and welcoming.
• After lessons activities.
• Familiar and friendly atmosphere.
• Selected accommodation in a walking distance from the school.