Punteggio: 65%

Basato su 1 giudizi degli studenti.
"France Langue has just started a few months ago and only had 3-4 students when I was there. Aurelie ..."

I commenti che trovate qui di seguito sono stati postati da studenti che hanno studiato alla France Langue - Martinique

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Punteggio   65%
  Molto basso Insufficiente Sufficiente Buona Ottima  
Servizi 60%
Ubicazione 60%
Divertimento 60%
Didattica 80%

Commenti personali degli studenti sulla France Langue - Martinique

I commenti sono classificati in ordine di lingua e di data. Massimo 25 commenti per pagina

1 Opinioni
France Langue has just started a few months ago and only had 3-4 students when I was there. Aurelie is an excellent teacher, engaging and helpful. She also had lunch with us most days, which is a bonus. Vincent, the manager, does the transfers from the airport and also helped with renting a car and any other issues. There was only one group with very different levels, which is almost impossible for language study. Host families are far from the school, so lots of logistic involved. Not ideal.

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L'ultima prenotazione di questa scuola è stata effettuata in Switzerland con un risparmio di 30,00 €!