International English Language Testing System (IELTS) a Sliema

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The IELTS Exam is one of the best-known English as a Second Language Certification around the world. In fact, it is the one demanded by British, Australian, Canadian and New Zealand Universities to be able to study in them. The sections of this exam are four: listening, speaking, reading and writing. The first two are the same for every student; nevertheless, the last two (reading and writing) vary depending on the reason for taking this examination - it means, it is focused on the area of study desired to be immersed in after taking the exam. Please have a look at the centers and dates where and when you can take the IELTS on their official webpage -

inlingua Malta, Sliema, Malta
Preparazione per esami di Inglese » 20 Lezioni per settimana
The IELTS course at inlingua Malta has been running at a very good success rate for the past 15 years. Under the care and tuition of...
ALTO BILDUNGSURLAUB Cambridge ESOL authorised center ELF monitory board FELTOM Malta
Corso + Alloggio in Residence scolastico da 642,20 € Vedere 1+ opzioni di alloggio Più opzioni
  • Residence scolastico
    da 642,20 € settimanale
inlingua Malta, Sliema, Malta
Preparazione per esami di Inglese » 30 Lezioni per settimana
The IELTS course at inlingua Malta has been running at a very good success rate for the past 15 years. Under the care and tuition of...
ALTO BILDUNGSURLAUB Cambridge ESOL authorised center ELF monitory board FELTOM Malta
Corso + Alloggio in Residence scolastico da 345,32 € Vedere 1+ opzioni di alloggio Più opzioni
  • Residence scolastico
    da 345,32 € settimanale
inlingua Malta, Sliema, Malta
Preparazione per esami di Inglese » 30 Lezioni per settimana
The IELTS course at inlingua Malta has been running at a very good success rate for the past 15 years. Under the care and tuition of...
ALTO BILDUNGSURLAUB Cambridge ESOL authorised center ELF monitory board FELTOM Malta
Corso + Alloggio in Residence scolastico da 309,70 € Vedere 1+ opzioni di alloggio Più opzioni
  • Residence scolastico
    da 309,70 € settimanale

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